Our work with wildlife
Simon is passionate about conservation medicine having been a past president of both the European College of Zoological Medicine and the British Veterinary Zoological Society. He predominantly works with native UK species of wildlife as a veterinary conservationist in a number of British wildlife reintroductions of mammals such as Eurasian beavers, watervoles and Scottish wildcats; birds such as capercaillies, sea eagles, common cranes and storks or invertebrates such as pine hover flies, pond mud snails and dark bordered beauty moths.
Simon has been particularly involved in the process of disease risk assessment for these projects as well as focussing on the welfare of the individual prior to and after the release. His drive to improve our understanding of the disease processes and welfare challenges of released animals led to a series of publications on the subject, including the first peer-reviewed published disease risk assessment on reintroducing the Eurasian beaver to Britain. His work surrounding the health and welfare of the Eurasian beaver, the first successfully reintroduced mammalian species in British history he further wrote up gaining a PhD from the University of Glasgow.

Simon continues to have input into the health and welfare of wild and captive wild animals in the UK and advises the Scottish Government through his work on the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission and DEFRA and the Devolved Governments of the UK through his work with both DEFRA’s Zoo Experts Committee (which he has chaired since 2018) and DEFRA’s Animal Welfare Committee.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.